There are several allergy tests that can be used to determine the substances to which an adult or child maybe allergic to.
Skin prick allergy test
Skin tests are the most common method for allergy testing. This test involves placing a small amount of suspected allergy-causing substances on the skin, usually the forearm, upper arm, or the back. Then, the skin is pricked so the allergen goes under the skin's surface, reactions to the allergen – such as swelling and redness are generally seen within 20 minutes of the test.
Skin tests are most useful for diagnosing:
- Insect bite allergies
- Mould, pollen, animal, and other allergies that cause allergic rhinitis and asthma
- Penicillin allergy
Food Elimination test
An elimination diet can be used to check for food allergies. An elimination diet is one in which foods that may be causing symptoms are removed from the diet for several weeks and then slowly re-introduced one at a time while the person is watched for signs of an allergic reaction.
Blood Test
Blood tests can be done to measure the amount of immunoglobulin antibodies in the blood. This test may be used when skin testing is not helpful or cannot be done.